Well kept 安全剃毛刀在加拿大製造,使用壽命長。有把剃毛刀均配有一片不銹鋼刀片,設計可減少刺激和內生毛髮。
This weighty brass razor offers a smooth, irritation-free shave for every part of the body. well kept's cream safety razor is made in Canada, lasts for a long (long) time, and works with standard safety razor blades. Comes with one stainless steel blade that reduces irritation and ingrown hairs.
1. 如何剃除身體敏感部位的毛髮?2. 如何保養&深度清潔Wellkept安全剃刀?
3. 關於剃毛的那些事 - 多刀片 vs 單刀片
4. 剃刀常見問題收集箱
How to use
我們的安全剃毛刀使用方法簡單。指南和教學影片請按 [此處]。
It's easy to use our safety razor when you know-how. We've made lots of step-by-step guides and videos [here]. Close the door, run the water, be gentle.
Made with, made without
Our safety razor is made with a solid brass handle and top piece and an aluminum middle piece. It's made without synthetic moisturizing strips that can dry out and irritate your skin, and unnecessary packaging or parts.
盒子由 FSC 的 100% 回收材料製成,碳中性印刷,產於北美
Made from 100% recycled material that's FSC, carbon neutral printing, produced in North America
Made from mycelium. Compostable in your food scraps bin, produced in North America
Ethical Production
Made in Canada
the mushrooms used are grown in the US
Made of
Brass, Aluminium, powder coat and one stainless steel blade
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