Blossom & Gilt
哥斯達黎加晚香玉 Costa Rican Tuberose
野生茉莉花 Wild Jasmine
依蘭依蘭 Ylang Ylang
白煙草White Tobacco
卡菲爾青檸 Kaffir Lime
Scent Description
Waxed Perfume是我們對蠟燭的獨特名稱,每顆蠟燭都是在敘述我們自己的故事所調配出的標誌性香味。
Costa Rican Tuberose and Wild Jasmine create the ultimate bouquet, lasting longer than it’s fresh petalled contemporaries. The elegant yet indolic depth of Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and Plump Tuberose, complement Lime and Bergamot top notes creating a warm and enthusiastic floral fusion.
來自可持續種植園的 100% 天然蠟, 未漂白的棉芯, 香水
100% Natural Wax sourced from a sustainable plantation, unbleached cotton wick, Parfum
A&C Hand Blown Jar.
Hand Poured in New Zealand
50 hours | 310g
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