SPF50 天然有色防曬保濕霜|Physical Tinted Sunscreen (50ml)
全廣譜保護|4 小時防水|珊瑚礁友好|純素|無殘忍|無香料|無防腐劑|無泛白
100%天然純素有色防曬保濕霜,可提供中等遮蓋力以均勻膚色,隱藏瑕疵,並能令人難以置信地融合所有膚色。它具有良好的保濕效果,提供全廣譜 SPF 50 保護,將取代您對粉底的需求。
+ Light-Medium 適合白皙和淺小麥膚色
+適合所有年齡,包括嬰兒(0 個月以上)以及懷孕和哺乳中的母親
新配方加入了可促進皮膚健康的特殊天然混合物,包括鱷梨油、椰子油、維生素 E、金盞花油和卡卡杜李子油。可舒緩和滋潤皮膚,同時不會加重皮膚負擔或變得油膩,更具抗衰老功效。
Benefit Ingredients
維生素 E
能滲透和去除角質層死皮細胞, 同時促進和刺激新的皮膚生長。
*我們所有的產品都是油基的,100% 天然且不含防腐劑。使用的植物油 98% 不會引起粉刺,不會堵塞毛孔。我們的配方能迅速吸收到皮膚中,留下水潤潤澤的膚色。*
採用 100% 可回收的環保PCR管
SPF 50 Natural Tinted Moisturiser is a natural vegan tinted moisturiser that provides medium coverage, evens out skin tone, hides blemishes and blends incredibly across all skin colours. It is beautifully moisturising, provides full broad spectrum SPF 50 protection and will replace your need for foundation.
With 100% Natural & Naturally Derived Ingredients including Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Vitamin E and Iron Oxide, this product is suitable for those with sensitive skin, pregnant & breast feeding mothers and all ages.This product is specially formulated for the face and provides full broad spectrum protection, 4 hours water resistance, is reef friendly, vegan, cruelty free, fragrance free, preservative free, deeply moisturising and the perfect everyday make-up. Packaged in eco- friendly PCR tubes that are fully recyclable.
*All of our products are oil-based in order to be 100% natural and preservative free. The plant oils used are 98% non-comedogenic & do not block pores. Our formulas quickly absorb into the skin, leaving a dewy moisturised complexion.*
To Use
在陽光照射前至少 20 分鐘,用手指或粉底刷在乾淨的面部和頸部(約 1/2 茶匙)塗抹均勻的薄層。 用作日常面部防曬霜、保濕霜和著色劑(替代粉底)。 經常重新塗抹,尤其是在游泳、用毛巾擦拭或鍛煉後。 避免直接接觸眼睛。 如果刺激發展停止使用。
避免長時間暴露在陽光下。 暴露在陽光下時,請穿防護服、太陽鏡和帽子。 30℃以下保存。保質期見試管壓接。
Apply a thin even layer to a clean bare face & neck (approx 1/2 tsp) using either your fingers or a foundation brush, at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. Use as an everyday facial sunscreen, moisturiser and tint (replaces the need for foundation). Re-apply frequently and especially after swimming, towelling or exercising. Avoid direct contact with eyes. If irritation develops discontinue use. Avoid prolonged exposure to sun. When exposed to sun, wear protective clothing, sunglasses and a hat. Store below 30 C. For expiration date, please see crimp of tube.
氧化鋅 227.5 mg/g (22.75%)
中鏈甘油三酯、蓖麻油、椰油辛酸酯、椰子油、小燭樹蠟、二氧化鈦(20 毫克/克)、氫化蓖麻油、聚甘油-3-聚蓖麻油酸酯、D-α 生育酚乙酸酯(維生素 E) ,鱷梨油,氧化鐵黃,異硬脂酸,氧化鐵紅,氧化鐵黑。
Active ingredient:Zinc Oxide 227.5 mg/g (22.75%)
Non-Active Ingredients: Medium Chain Triglycerides, Castor Oil, Coco-Caprylate, Coconut Oil, Candelilla Wax, Titanium Dioxide (20 mg/g), Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Polyglyceryl-3-Polyricinoleate, D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Avocado Oil, Iron Oxide Yellow, Isostearic Acid, Iron Oxide Red, Iron Oxide Black.
Made locally in Perth Western Australia
Shelf Life: 3-years
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